Saturday, August 2, 2008

4chan and such

I'm trying to figure out some more stuff about these posting boards (4chan, 2chan, etc....). they've been around forever, but what do they meaaaan? There is a lot that has to do with Asian culture, but the involvement seems to be worldwide.

WHY WHY WHY. There are few results when searching for people talking about it. And, of the people that talk about it, it is mostly discussions about why it sucks these days, compared to the past.

Now, what I found out is that 4chan is tame compared to 2chan, which is purely in some gobblygook language (get the pun? it's only a slant pun, like a slant rhyme, because i don't know if the japanese are technically gooks, but a Vietnam Veteran would say otherwise).

And, I found out that my recent fun word of Whoot has already been transcribed by most internet/computer people into the thing w00t, so... fuck, nothing's original. Although, I must have stolen it from them, and for that, I'm really truly sorry - sorry that they SUCK and don't ever get laid because I'm all about getting laid by lonely nerdy chicks who usually type out w00t on their futuristic and nerdy computer internet devices when they orgasm all over my face.

Sadly, they only have virtual orgasms, which really makes me feel like a much smaller man with a much larger penis than i ought to have been born with.

The pictures that these girls post (and I know that only girls post this because guys could never be this creative and artistic) are usually scatological with an urban twist. This is actually what most artists these days do:
Artists these days (and probably starting with the first true artists) are scientists that suck at writing, but good at drawing. They usually start out with a question that they want to find an answer to, like "the relationship between consumption and a virgin's desire", or "the connection of the guatemalan gay community's forgotten ethics"

I'll talk more about this, but all i have to say is artists are underfunded (and in a few cases, overfunded) scientists that suck at writing, and are less creative and less prone to color blindness.

Fuck you you fucking artists, I could tell you all about the reproductive chemicals of nematodes (but I won't, because I don't know shit about that stupid shit. I'm not a scientist, I'm a fucking artist you stupid retard bitch fuck anal licker)

But anal licking's fine. Fine if you're a stupid fucking artist that's all about painting stupid shit or whatever because you think it's cool you fucking fart fuck knocker!

Fuck you artist

Fuck you scientist

You're one in the same you fucking scumbags (and this picture is of an artist-scientist hybrid. This communion of souls results in the owl-looking man you see, which resembles one of those conan o'brien things. In fact, this is from conan o'brien, it's the image they used for Mel Gibson and Marcus Aurelius or something)

-Buttter Gregoe, Social Security Number: 35-092-912-231-90210-90210-90210-232323-2310-90210

Friday, August 1, 2008

Posting things at the speed of Rapid Succession!

So, I thought we were cool. no no, I know we're cool. No - I'm coooool, the others are... myeh at best.

But, I really can't compare myself the these FUCking Spaniards, especially the young girl teenage ones that make something like 50 posts (38, but fifty makes it sound like more) in one day. One fucking day. She has 50 posts under the august headline, and it's been august for less than, oh, i don't know, 24 hours?

This is the enemy, defined, signed, sealed, delivered. But not really. She just makes us look like chumps, and chumps like us hate things that make us look at things like ourselves. It really has something to do with low self esteem.
I'm assuming she's already signed a book deal, and being no older than 15 or 16, she already looks way cooler smoking cigarettes than I ever did at her age.
Now here's the catch. This smarmy little "chica" (espanyol for 'betitted one') has gotten it into her mind to pull a "jaiponese" move. Like, for instance, she and her friends find it necessary to put their hands over their mouths in every other pic. I've never seen anything like this before. Is this one of those cultural barriers I've heard so much about? maybe, but I've got a mexican sister and a gay brother, so I assumed I had my bases covered in terms of culture.

No, she does it because of a deformed mouth, and I really feel bad because it is a sad sad affliction that spanish speakers get through constantly having such a smaller vocabulary than english speakers. Yes, english has a big number of words. big number of words indeed. i think only russia comes close to the big number of words we have.

Potato, Hockey, Albatross, Drum, Economy, Taco, et cetera et cetera et cetera

These are just a sampling of the many words America has, because honestly, I can't tell a fucking word of what people from the UK+Ireland say. I just tune that out.

AmericairemA = pronounced a-MARE-ih-CARE-ee-ma

AmericairemA = pronounced a-MARE-ih-CARE-ee-ma

So, look at this:
1) Take away the first a, so that we have MARE-ih-CARE-ee-ma.
2) Take away the E on MARE, and the m from -ma at the end, you have MAR-ih-CARE-ee-a.
3) Now, take the -a from the end, and put it after the -ih:


MAR-ih-a CARE-ee


Is that how you spell her name? Most likely, yes, and all that to prove my point that mariah carey is the most american name ever, because you can spell america in a mirror-like fashion, forwards and backwards, and still find her name jumbled in there.

So, mutiny at the Wall Street Journal? No, but yes. So in this thingy written by some guy I don't know, he said a bunch of stuff:

1) McCain is fucked

So, there you have it.

I don't really know much, but I don't know how Obama could possibly lose? I'm excited, but then again, Bush et. al. did so well at building an absurd infrastructure of the right that it's going to be years before they can be pulled back to the left.

Another interesting point? No, this is not interesting:
This november, when there's an election for president, there will also be more congressional elections. The guy who wrote the thing above, that I linked to, made a brief point about this, with the republicans " facing a 10-to-20 seat loss in November,"!!!!!


And, the House of somethingsomething (House of representatives!), being led by the democrats, only has a 9% approval rating? Luckily, I get all my sources from this one essay, because one a day keeps something something away. It just doesn't make sense. Why would the GOP expect to lose 10-20 more seats while the democratically controlled house is the poster child for that 9% approval rating.

It could have something to do with Bush still, the war, economy, all this was somehow (or so people like to think!) orchestrated over the last few years by the GOP, when they controlled Everything, with a big E.

So are the american people stupid, or is it that the wall street journal is owned by a primitive life form.

Stupid me! It's me that's the stupid one!
Of the few things that help this predicament, I would hope that smoking dope wouldn't be smoking one of them. The Audacity of Dope. Written and edited and published by our in-house staff of minority journalists. This really means whites, blacks, latinos, et. al. (The et al means Armenians, Asians, Russians, et. al. ad infinitumination). This is the new coalition of americans. And I don't know if they're necessarily stupid. Naive? yes, but not stupid. Naive, no, no no... They're not naive, or stupid. They're just - myeeeeehhhhhh - how do you say it in this language? I'm sorry there's not really a word to describe it. In Greek, the word is Kellimapopopolis, which roughly translates to "I love you like a sister" and "Noble Disgust".

Our trained staff does love each other like sisters. But we also have a Noble Disgust for one another. My Irish ancestors probably hated the Asians, but the Africans hated the Europeans, and we all know that the Europeans are too pussy to hate anyone, so that's why we deported the SHIT out of them over the past 2 some-odd years.

[Insert more talking points here]

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tickle my Snatch #2

Hi everyone!! Now I've been thinking long and hard about the next fantasy-tickler...and after hours of deliberation, the winner is....


Oooooooo I could just lay on my back and let them go wild!!! Aaaaahieeeeeeeeooouuueeeeee!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Internet smArt: DOMAIN NAMES v.2.03231 2

This is internet


So many great things to watch. Somtimes we don't want to read. Time to drop out of life with bong in hand

Anyways, i straight up stole this from, and i hope they don't care, but since nobody reads this, i don't care! WHOOT! I'm just having a hard time thinking that anyone that I don't know personally (or even that my friends know) are coming to this site. So, if you are coming to this site, and we don't know you, call me at 404-376-8716. If you are a russian hacker, please let me know so that I don't give out other more fun information first.

Okay, a one other video:

And, if you want to check out what experiments are going on with one person in the pursuit of obscure flash animations (if they can be called animation) then check out

okay, and more stuff I sort of stole from damon zucconi :

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Girls Next Door

And we’ve dipped into some gravity. Cavity…smlaviny. For fear of branding what this here does I’m going to keep the prose loose, flawed; crackly, cropped. Empty Speech is a password, an exercise of recognition that begs for little more than the proper response – an open door, a smile, a stiletto in the balls. As such its message is misrecognized by those who must misrecognize (censors, roughly, the Shah…) and only those who must understand do.


Another neighbor two doors down had been complaining for eight or nine days about a smell. Something potato-like (and salty?) she said, something pretty rank. Perhaps it was a dead rodent in the walls, we suggested, but after touring her yard (it was well kept, mind you) she returned and shook her head, no. It was in the yard too. I don’t smell anything, we said. Me neither. Just the olive smell of wild spring composting.

Well maybe that’s your smell, we said. Maybe that’s the culprit.

Another week went by and by the time Kowter reached us Sunday morning she was a bit out of breath. Which isn’t something to get too disorderly about? But on this particular occasion there was some distressing news: nobody had seen Kemesh since she made that stink-racket Saturday prior. Mib chewed on the end of her thumb as she was liable to do when there was an amiss and I rubbed the vein under my knee, as I am liable to do. We should do some knocking, she said. I suppose it’s right we do that, I said. Kowter nodded consent: she knew we would conclude like we did and she had played patient while we worked out the words.

On reaching Kemesh’s front stoop Kowter turned and stopped. I’m going no further, she said, not in that curse hole. It’s not further, it’s father, Mib said, and get your damn mitts off me. Sure enough Kowter was pawing away at Mib’s front in a strange circular pattern, as if she were trying to write something. There were tears in her eyes. My breasts, Mib said, you’re erecting my mammalian protuberances…(continued tomorrow)