I'm trying to figure out some more stuff about these posting boards (4chan, 2chan, etc....). they've been around forever, but what do they meaaaan? There is a lot that has to do with Asian culture, but the involvement seems to be worldwide.
WHY WHY WHY. There are few results when searching for people talking about it. And, of the people that talk about it, it is mostly discussions about why it sucks these days, compared to the past.
Now, what I found out is that 4chan is tame compared to 2chan, which is purely in some gobblygook language (get the pun? it's only a slant pun, like a slant rhyme, because i don't know if the japanese are technically gooks, but a Vietnam Veteran would say otherwise).
And, I found out that my recent fun word of Whoot has already been transcribed by most internet/computer people into the thing w00t, so... fuck, nothing's original. Although, I must have stolen it from them, and for that, I'm really truly sorry - sorry that they SUCK and don't ever get laid because I'm all about getting laid by lonely nerdy chicks who usually type out w00t on their futuristic and nerdy computer internet devices when they orgasm all over my face.
Sadly, they only have virtual orgasms, which really makes me feel like a much smaller man with a much larger penis than i ought to have been born with.
The pictures that these girls post (and I know that only girls post this because guys could never be this creative and artistic) are usually scatological with an urban twist. This is actually what most artists these days do:
Artists these days (and probably starting with the first true artists) are scientists that suck at writing, but good at drawing. They usually start out with a question that they want to find an answer to, like "the relationship between consumption and a virgin's desire", or "the connection of the guatemalan gay community's forgotten ethics"
I'll talk more about this, but all i have to say is artists are underfunded (and in a few cases, overfunded) scientists that suck at writing, and are less creative and less prone to color blindness.
Fuck you you fucking artists, I could tell you all about the reproductive chemicals of nematodes (but I won't, because I don't know shit about that stupid shit. I'm not a scientist, I'm a fucking artist you stupid retard bitch fuck anal licker)
But anal licking's fine. Fine if you're a stupid fucking artist that's all about painting stupid shit or whatever because you think it's cool you fucking fart fuck knocker!
Fuck you artist
Fuck you scientist

You're one in the same you fucking scumbags (and this picture is of an artist-scientist hybrid. This communion of souls results in the owl-looking man you see, which resembles one of those conan o'brien things. In fact, this is from conan o'brien, it's the image they used for Mel Gibson and Marcus Aurelius or something)
-Buttter Gregoe, Social Security Number: 35-092-912-231-90210-90210-90210-232323-2310-90210