So, I thought we were cool. no no, I know we're cool. No - I'm coooool, the others are... myeh at best.
But, I really can't compare myself the these FUCking Spaniards, especially the young girl teenage ones that make something like 50 posts (38, but fifty makes it sound like more) in one day. One fucking day. She has 50 posts under the august headline, and it's been august for less than, oh, i don't know, 24 hours?
This is the enemy, defined, signed, sealed, delivered. But not really. She just makes us look like chumps, and chumps like us hate things that make us look at things like ourselves. It really has something to do with low self esteem.
I'm assuming she's already signed a book deal, and being no older than 15 or 16, she already looks way cooler smoking cigarettes than I ever did at her age.
Now here's the catch. This smarmy little "chica" (espanyol for 'betitted one') has gotten it into her mind to pull a "jaiponese" move. Like, for instance, she and her friends find it necessary to put their hands over their mouths in every other pic. I've never seen anything like this before. Is this one of those cultural barriers I've heard so much about? maybe, but I've got a mexican sister and a gay brother, so I assumed I had my bases covered in terms of culture.
No, she does it because of a deformed mouth, and I really feel bad because it is a sad sad affliction that spanish speakers get through constantly having such a smaller vocabulary than english speakers. Yes, english has a big number of words. big number of words indeed. i think only russia comes close to the big number of words we have.
Potato, Hockey, Albatross, Drum, Economy, Taco, et cetera et cetera et cetera
These are just a sampling of the many words America has, because honestly, I can't tell a fucking word of what people from the UK+Ireland say. I just tune that out.
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