Friday, November 5, 2010

Krauthammer's Loge is an Uncharacteristic Aerie

Krauthammer puts it succinctly:

"The conventional wisdom is that these sweeps represent something novel, exotic and very modern - the new media, faster news cycles, Internet frenzy and a public with a short attention span and even less patience with government. Or alternatively, that these violent swings reflect reduced party loyalty and more independent voters.

Nonsense. In 1946, for example, when party loyalty was much stronger and even television was largely unknown, the Republicans gained 56 seats and then lost 75 in the very next election. Waves come. Waves go. The republic endures."

His example is sparse, but it's a grand point: no matter how ridiculee the nation's bits, we are a doomed republic of tedious debates. Our (upwardly mobile, middle to upper-middle class 20-sormthirngs) generation is poised to out-conservative any and all previous generations, notwithstanding Sharia-bent Islamotards, but the leavener will be a Republican embrasure of social equality. Social Equality for gays may be the reason I don't vote Republican in every election that deserves it, but then again Republicans are hardly conservative in their governing anymore. The Democratic party, while not conservative, was co-opted by unions and the baby boomers; but unions represent national relics such as stevedores and bituminous coal darning, while baby boomers represent our parents, therefore we must destroy our parents and we must end the rights of the stevedore.

If there has been one healthy trend of the world, it's been a larger government, more taxes, less self-accountability, refined breasts of the western woman.... until, egads, I become a quote from Dick Armey's large-print Tea Part Mannyfesto, available at's hospice commissary.

Note: Dick Armey and John Boehner (pronounced "look at me flick with a pinkie-finger my own boner") will always win over Vaginal Prussian-Cavalry and Morgan Hardclitorises (pronounced "hard-cly-tory-zzesz)