"premium black granite"
Eurasian Natural Stone
Granite on polyester, 500,000,024 B.C.E
From the series "Premium Stones from Eurasia" (1984-2003)
We have been in the wild west version of the internet for too long. Who will protect the masses? Is it fair that some people are complete asshole nerds and learn computer coding while the rest of us don't even know how the english language works?
Maybe, maybe is the answer.
So what is there to be done, and how can we innovate in a web where so many people are better than us (me)? Well, because I don't know about hacking. O but I used to! Does anyone else remember those cool hacker-ish programs from the early days of AOL? Tiddly and I were talking about that the other day, with bombing peoples inboxes with spam or something and everything. In fact, I don't think much has changed in terms of how easy it is to "lag" someone/a server out of existence (not existence, but in internet time, a day of being down for a major server would be catastrophic).
Example: A million people trying to visit a site over a matter of seconds will slow the site down, especially if it's a site like the one for
Georgia's president. With that many people, it's easy to understand how a server will get overloaded.
Simple simple understanding? Not much has happened since the innocent days of lagging someone off AOL, and frustrating them. The wait to get online (through phone lines!) was such a drag.
It's useful to understand.
But what happens when it doesn't get so simple.
What happens when these hacker memes evolve? It's funny to think of a computer virus, being man made, evolving, but this is a great way to understand how human thought evolves and adapts.
Please disregard everything I've said. I just feel lame for writing it all, realizing it's awful, but I sat here typing for too long to let it go to waste.
So here, how do we go from 'blogging' (which is a term that makes me feel like a fucking 13 year old girl with a crush on a fat kid) to more like a... seriously considered thing? HAHAHA. We wait, wait until the time is right and start to get someone neat to find this. Who is that neat person? He (and it will definitely be a guy, because girls just don't like to play Risk) has not been born yet. I think he'll be a mix between Kemesh and Dionne Warwick.
The Smell made from Kemesh's house is from a paranormal soup clerk, to give away the ending that I made for it and will subsequently never be published for lack of a publisher and a story. But how will the story continue?
Now that they've found the hair thing, with turnipenis syndrome. I just hope that amateurs (like us) give up soon, because without us, it would make me happy.
Disregard that last sentence.
Wow, I never thought becoming a woman would ever feel so damn liberating.
Sadly, I have not become a woman. Disregard the last two sentences.
And, because nothing would make sense without a picture [I put it at the beginning of the story]: