So many great things to watch. Somtimes we don't want to read. Time to drop out of life with bong in hand
Anyways, i straight up stole this from, and i hope they don't care, but since nobody reads this, i don't care! WHOOT! I'm just having a hard time thinking that anyone that I don't know personally (or even that my friends know) are coming to this site. So, if you are coming to this site, and we don't know you, call me at 404-376-8716. If you are a russian hacker, please let me know so that I don't give out other more fun information first.
Okay, a one other video:
And, if you want to check out what experiments are going on with one person in the pursuit of obscure flash animations (if they can be called animation) then check out
okay, and more stuff I sort of stole from damon zucconi :
Japanese pop music...Now that's what I call a cranially orgasmic! I see your TM Network and raise you Pink Lady!
And be sure to practice the infamous reach around ear tickle dance move...
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