Friday, July 25, 2008

Scope Hamptons <3

Scope Hamptons opens today: who better to ask about the long and forbidden history of the event than Richard Gere? I met up with him after a publicity shoot for Pretty Woman 18 years ago.

Tip Tuddley: Any plans for this evening, Dick?

Richard Gere: Well once I get out of these sweaty clothes (Mr. Gere removes his shirt, flexing his abs when it gets stuck over his head) I was going to hop in the shower and do a little meditation. Maybe catch a tea.

TT: Sounds like a good night to me. So you’re not planning on heading out to the Hamptons for the vernissage?

RG: No, you know, I was thinking about it but the scene last year was pretty slow. Plus I did tons of pretty bad coke.

TT: I’ve been meaning to ask you about that: does the hypocrisy of a drug-addict Buddhist ever bother you?

RG: If I had my leg-pit tickled for every time I was asked that…well you know it does turn into an interesting conversation almost inevitably. It’s all about destruction of the ego, Tip. It’s like Rimbaud said, “I often enjoy getting drinking blue wine in the bowels of the cocaine vessel.”

TT: Oh Arthur, you had so much to teach us!

RG: So I don’t think I’ll be heading to Scope this year. The art market has really become a chance for…(continued next page)

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